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YANSE: Research on Color and Culture


The YANSE project attempts to document the phenomenon of color from very different perspectives and, above all, to examine the cultural significance of color, in addition to the various theories and opinions. YANSE is the first part of a larger research project that aims to look at the design fundamentals such as form, color, image, font, etc. from the perspective of different traditions and cultures and to derive new and expanded fundamentals from them. In a first step, the complex topic of color was examined and applied in an experimental course with students.


Shenzhen International School of Design (SISD/HIT)

Lecturers: XI Li, WU Jiangyue and VETTER Peter


A visual language for the Liangzhu Forum


The Lingzhu Forum is an international event focused on cultural exchanges and mutual learning. The forum aims to foster dialogue and collaboration among global civilizations, bringing together prominent figures from various fields such as writers, artists, archaeologists, musicians, and leaders of prestigious institutions. An international competition was announced for this institution for its future appearance and Coande has been nominated for the final selection with the following proposal.


An environment for a contemporary administration


The proposal "Color Transition" was designed as a proposal for the artistic decoration of the new administration building of the Canton of Thurgau in Frauenfeld. The proposed images and objects, whose function in the context of the new building is to be understood as atmospheric accents, have been created digitally. This technique gives the images a kind of industrial and therefore objective character and turns them into objects – "objects for intellectual use", as Max Bill once said. The proposal creates a fresh, objective, and sympathetic atmosphere and  helps the orientation and promotes the competence and openness of a contemporary public administration.


Three Swiss designers and artists

Rolf Rappaz, Willi Eidenbenz and Hans Aeschbach are three designers whose biographies have various points of contact and similarities. All three have been successful graphic designers and have been involved with art in different ways. These parallels and the peculiarities of the three personalities were examined in the exhibition curated for the Museum Rappaz in collaboration with Yujin Kim and Armin Vogt. 


© Coande – Communication and Design
Almastrasse 6, 8708 Männedorf (Switzerland) 

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